How to cancel Netflix on TV subscription

Updated: May 10, 2023
6 min read
How to cancel Netflix on TV subscription
by Christine Tomas
Tech Expert & Writer
Checked by
Quality Control team

Netflix on TV is a popular streaming service that allows you to watch your favorite TV shows and movies on your television. However, if you are looking to cancel your subscription, we are here to guide you through the process. To cancel your Netflix on TV subscription, follow the steps below.

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Steps to cancel Netflix on TV subscription

To cancel your Netflix on TV subscription, you will need to follow a few simple steps. Before you begin, make sure you have access to the email address associated with your Netflix account and the login credentials for your TV service provider.

  • Step 1: Open the Netflix app on your TV and navigate to the account settings.
  • Step 2: Select the option to manage your subscription.
  • Step 3: Choose the option to stop Netflix on TV service once. This will cancel your subscription and prevent any further charges.
  • Step 4: Confirm your decision to cancel Netflix on TV account once by following the prompts on the screen.
  • Step 5: Once you have confirmed your cancellation, you will receive an email from Netflix confirming the cancellation of your subscription.

What are some good Netflix on TV alternatives?

There are several alternatives available that offer similar features and functions. Here are some of the best alternatives to Netflix on TV:

  • Amazon Prime Video: This service offers a vast library of movies and TV shows, including original content. It also allows users to download content for offline viewing and offers personalized recommendations based on viewing history.
  • Hulu: Hulu is a streaming service that offers a mix of current and classic TV shows, movies, and original content. It also offers live TV streaming and the ability to add premium channels like HBO and Showtime.
  • Disney+: This service offers a vast library of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars content, including original shows and movies. It also allows users to download content for offline viewing and offers personalized recommendations based on viewing history.
  • HBO Max: This service offers a vast library of HBO content, including original shows and movies. It also offers a mix of current and classic TV shows and movies from other networks and studios.
  • Apple TV+: This service offers a mix of original shows and movies, including content from some of the biggest names in Hollywood. It also allows users to download content for offline viewing and offers personalized recommendations based on viewing history.

These alternatives to Netflix on TV offer similar features and functions, including:

  • A vast library of movies and TV shows
  • Original content
  • The ability to download content for offline viewing
  • Personalized recommendations based on viewing history
  • Live TV streaming (in some cases)
  • The ability to add premium channels (in some cases)

Overall, these alternatives offer a great way to enjoy streaming content on your TV without using Netflix.

What to do if you're having troubles

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One of the most common issues is the inability to cancel the subscription due to technical glitches. In such cases, users should try logging out of their Netflix account and then logging back in to see if the issue persists. If the problem persists, users can try clearing their browser cache and cookies or using a different browser altogether.

Another issue that users may face is the inability to cancel their subscription due to payment issues. In such cases, users should ensure that their payment method is up-to-date and that they have sufficient funds in their account. If the issue persists, users can contact their bank or financial institution to resolve the payment issue.

In some cases, users may accidentally cancel their subscription and then regret their decision. In such cases, users can contact Netflix customer support to reactivate their subscription. However, it is important to note that users may lose their viewing history and preferences if they cancel their subscription.

If users encounter any other issues while canceling their Netflix TV subscription, they can contact the Howly experts team for assistance. Our team of experts is available 24/7 to help users troubleshoot any technical issues and provide guidance on canceling their subscription. Users can call our toll-free number to speak to a representative and get the help they need.


How do I cancel my Netflix subscription on my TV?

To cancel your Netflix subscription on your TV, go to the Netflix app on your TV, select “Account,” and then select “Cancel Membership.” Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.

Will I be charged if I cancel my Netflix subscription on my TV?

No, you will not be charged if you cancel your Netflix subscription on your TV. Your subscription will be canceled at the end of your current billing cycle.

Can I cancel my Netflix subscription on my TV if I signed up through a different device?

Yes, you can cancel your Netflix subscription on your TV even if you signed up through a different device. Your cancellation will apply to your entire Netflix account.

What happens to my Netflix account if I cancel my subscription on my TV?

If you cancel your Netflix subscription on your TV, your account will remain active until the end of your current billing cycle. After that, you will no longer have access to Netflix content.


In conclusion, canceling your Netflix subscription on your TV is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. First, navigate to the Netflix app on your TV and select the “Account” option. From there, select “Cancel Membership” and follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process. It's important to note that canceling your Netflix subscription on your TV will not cancel any other subscriptions you may have with Netflix, such as on your phone or computer. Additionally, canceling your subscription will result in the immediate termination of your access to Netflix content, so be sure to have an alternative streaming service in place if needed.

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Emma Wright
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Will I be refunded for any remaining billing periods after I cancel Netflix?
Lily Carter
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What happens to my viewing history and profiles after I cancel my Netflix?
1 reply
  1. Scooter
    Invalid Date
    Lily Carter, Your viewing history and profiles will remain saved on your account
Natalie Green
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😞 Instructions were confusing, still haven't cancelled Netflix
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This article totally saved me from spending hours trying to cancel my Netflix on TV subscription lol
Aiden Martin
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OMG, I'm so thankful for this guide! 🙏
Emily Johnson
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This article gave me the deets on cancelling Netflix on TV, nothing fancy but it got the job done 👌
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Thumbs up! The instructions were super easy to follow
Sapphire River
Invalid Date
Yay! Finally cancelled my Netflix

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